Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 102 - Shoe Heaven

What a great day with my Moo!  It started with a 5 mile run while Moo prepped Charlie for stitches removal.  THANK GOD that was not something I had to do by myself.  Just hearing the dialogue from the other room was enough to make me queasy.

Then came a trip to shoe heaven, aka DSW.  Haven't been to DSW?  You are missing out!  It is a warehouse full of amazingly cute shoes at fantastic prices!  Moo treated me to an early birthday present (REALLY early) of two pairs of Steve Maddens.  They are perfectly practical for the courtroom and cute!  Double Bonus!

Jeffery came up for dinner (which didn't quite turn out as planned, sorry Jeffery!) and then stayed for a few games of Banana Grams.  We've always been big game players in my family and winning is serious business.  Banana Grams is like a personal scrabble game in which you make your own words in front of you as quickly was possible.  Once all of the letters have been taken from the community stash, the person who uses all their letters first wins.  Although Jeffery gave me a run for my money, I won three of the 4 rounds.  Moo took the last win.  Charlie enjoyed making up his own words and wasn't quite as concerned about the rules as the rest of us.

Moo and I planned to go see the Black Swan, but decided that neither of us would stay up through the entire 10 o'clock showing.  We crashed on the couch and enjoyed a movie and some popcorn at home instead.

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