Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 100 - Review

For the last 100 days, I've documented my successes and shortcomings as I train to run a marathon and climb a mountain.  Though there hasn't been a dramatic difference in my weight, I have gotten significantly stronger (I can do real push ups!  Forgot those girly ones!) and more fit (read, I no longer am concerned about dying before I get back home from a run).  For the most part, my energy levels have gone up and my stress levels have gone down.

Here's a quick look at what I've been up to over the last 100 days:

-25 runs totaling 101.5 miles
-3 Piyo classes
-11 Pilates classes (5 pilates with weights)
-8 Yoga classes
-2+ Zumba classes (the + representing the classes I started and walked out of due to the presence of my fitness instructor nemesis)
-13 sessions on the rotating stair machine
-5 days lifting weights
-2 times on the stationary bike
-4 sessions on the elliptical (mostly while watching Bravo or TLC)
-3 swims in the pool
-5 days walking (2 in San Fran)
-1 attempt at the rowing machine
-1 half day skiing (other half spent in the ER)
-1 8 mile hike at Mt Si

I can assure you, this has been the most active I've been since starting law school.  For the first year and a half, my butt was either glued to a seat in class, the chair at my table at home where I study or the couch.  It hasn't been easy to get myself to the gym.  I missed a lot of days I could have exercised out of sheer laziness.  I've got a long way to go, but I'm proud of where I've come so far.

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