Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 131 - Smelly Dog

This day was mostly all about Tuck dog.  I took the little man for a long walk before several good hours of studying.  Then Moo, Tuck and I headed to the dog park.  Tuck and I both did a lot of running and retrieving of a ball.  I also did some throwing and Tuck did some barking.  The weather was cold, but otherwise gorgeous and the other dogs were well behaved.  Perfect day at the dog park.  Wanting to enjoy a little more fresh air, we all decided to go for a walk around the park before returning home.  Tucker got to do one of his most favorite things...  Duck chasing.  Such a happy pup.

That is until he got to go to the dog wash.  I thought this place was ingenious.  Tucker, I assume, had a very different impression.  For $10, you can bath your dog in a deep tub like structure.  A variety of shampoos, conditioners and brushes are provided.  Tuck, being little, got to stand on a special little dog platform.  After he was thoroughly cleaned, we moved over to the grooming station equipped with instruments of torture terrifying enough to make any dog whimper.  Tucker got blow dried and brushed.  I trimmed his hair and cut his nails.  By the end, he was one handsome pooch!

After a bit more studying and a quick nap, Moo and I met Chris for dinner at the Ram (one of my favorite restaurants).  Then we did some major speed shopping (store closed in 15 minutes) to find Moo a cute new outfit for an upcoming special occasion.  My mother taught me to be a bargain shopper, so we were both thrilled when we learned her three purchases totaled $54, but that she had saved $83.  Ladies and gentlemen, THAT is how you shop.

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