Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 186 - Uppercut

Although I've already added mountain climbing and yoga to my list of interests this year, but I think I may also need to add boxing/kick boxing.  Today, on a whim, I decided to give the Combat X class at the gym a try.  It was a circuit class that incorporated different boxing, weight lifting and cardio exercises.  I had know idea how much pent up anger/stress/rage I had inside of me until I was turned loose on my sparing partner.  There is something EXTREMELY therapeutic in being able to punch the heck out of her hand held blocking pads (I have no idea what they are really called...).  I bounced away from the class sweaty, but full of life and a restored sense of joy.  I'm pretty certain I never want to actually receive a punch that connects with my face or body, but I may need to look into a boxing gym...

After a little housework, Charlie and I decided to show our Cougar love and went to the WSU Crimson v. Grey Scrimmage.  Of course, because we are ridiculous, we dressed in matching outfits.  We don't do this intentionally, but because our wardrobes are each 50% Cougar apparel, the odds of us grabbing similar attire are high. I don't think we'll be leading the Pac-10 this year, but the Cougs looked pretty darn good.  The offense looked strong and the defense delivered a few hits that made me cringe.  I'm thinking we just may pull off 3 wins this year!  Go Cougs!

We had hoped to rectify the matching outfit situation before heading to the Casino for Maggie's birthday, but we just ran out of time.  It's a good thing our friends love and accept us for who we are.  For the most part, they were all dressed to the 9's in formal club wear.  Then there were the Hilens in jeans and white Coug sweatshirts with wind blown hair.  We enjoyed a nice dinner with everyone and then made our way into the casino.  Although we didn't lose the farm, we certainly didn't walk away winners.  Charlie and I have sworn off gambling until we have "real" jobs.  Although we enjoy the entertainment aspect of the casino, the budget would prefer that we rent a movie instead.

I had hoped to stay out drinking and dancing with some of my favorite former Crimson Girls, but I've got a 10 AM make up class to attend tomorrow morning.  If I had stayed to party with them, I'd be lucky if I could get myself out of bed before 2PM.  Love you girls!  Hope you had a great time!

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