Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 38 - A little late

I am a little late getting this blog post published.  I try to post before I go to bed each night, but last night that just wasn't going to happen.

The day started EARLY.  I was at the gym by 5:30 for a solid four mile jog.  It felt FANTASTIC.  I think I could have easily run an additional 2 miles without much more effort.  I certainly would have tried if I wasn't in a hurry to prepare for my Street Law class.

Street Law is a program where GU law students go to Rogers High School once a month to teach a lesson on a legal subject that may be interesting to teenagers.  We cover topics like search and seizure, freedom of speech, etc.  Some of the kids get REALLY into the activities.  Others could care less if we were there.  But, I guess that's high school for ya.  I don't know how Charlie plans to teach this age range day after day.  Once a month is enough to wear me out.

After street law I had evidence and then I donated blood.  As many may know, I am not particularly fond of either blood or needles.  I've been known to throw some minor temper tantrums and ball my eyes out when needing to get a shot or have blood drawn.  And that's just been the last few years, I was probably worse as a child.  Anyway, after politely asking the blood bank guy to please stop telling me what he was doing and to go ahead and just do it, I successfully donated a pint of my blood.  I didn't even cry!  It wasn't a delightful experience, but I will try to do it again when I can. 

After donating blood, the last thing I wanted to do was get to work on my appellate brief (about a blood bank of all things).  BUT, I put in a few hours of productive work (and probably an hour or so of time-wasting nonsense to protect my sanity).

Charlie met me at the law school and took me out to dinner at the OG.  When we were living in Pullman for undergrad, Charlie and I would drive an hour and a half to Spokane to go to the Olive Garden for a "nice date."  My how things have changed.  I still love the chicken alfredo pizza, but the OG is no longer a place I'd get dressed up for.

After dinner, we went over to a sports bar for a going away party of one of Charlie's co-workers.  As they say "Every party needs a pooper and that's why we invited you."  I was that girl.  After completely overloading on carbs, donating blood and waking up too early, I had started falling asleep on the walk over.  We stayed for awhile, but I couldn't keep my eyes open long enough to really see the party get started.  Several of the party attendees were high energy, attractive and bubbly TV personalities.  I simply could not keep up.  Sorry Krem peeps, I'll rest up before the next one. 

Charlie said I was asleep before he even crawled into bed.  After the last few weeks of insanity, it's probably best I was out before 11.  I'm off to finish my brief.  With a little luck, I just might finish this thing today (unlikely, but a girl can hope).

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