Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 5 - Hip Hop Abs

Mom, grandma and I made a pact to wake up at 7 this morning to do Hip Hop Abs. If you are not familiar with Hip Hop Abs, turn on the tv tonight at 3:15 AM. There is bound to be at least one channel glorifying the wonders of Shaun T and his magical "tilt, tuck and tighten" ab routine. 

Shaun T purports to get you flat abs through simple moves that you can use on the dance floor. As far as I'm concerned, both claims are false. Perhaps if you did 6 hours a day, your abs may look like Shaun T's. Otherwise, it's just an ok cardio routine. In regards to taking the steps out on the dance floor, I'll give $10 to the first person to document them self doing either "the freak" or "the throw down" in a night club. Go on, I dare you. 

My mom, god bless her, does not have an ounce of hip hop in all of her being. But for some reason, Hip Hop Abs strikes her fancy so she and Shaun T break it down in the living room every morning. 

I thought we could use a little more cardio, so we did a few of the routines I used to teach in a cardio dance class. By the end of all of that, we had worked up a good sweat. That may, however, have been more associated with the fact that my grandparents keep their house at a balmy 80 degrees than our actual output of physical exertion. Nonetheless, we got our fat butts out of bed and did it. Mark today in the "win" column. 

I am currently on the train heading back to Spokanistan. I thoroughly enjoy that when I started typing Spokane, my phone autocorrected it to Spokanistan.  I'll be home in two more hours, but until then I fear I'll be subjected to hearing even more details of the woman behind me's recent tour of a hotel made of ice and her dimwitted seat-mate's lack of understanding that EVERYTHING was made out of ice. 

"We ordered appletinis and had to wear gloves to drink them because they were so cold." 
"What was wrong with the glasses?"
"They weren't glass, they were made of ice. Everything was ice."
"So they wouldn't let you drink out of a glass? Were they out of glasses?"

It was at this point when I decided to go ahead and eat my 440 calorie king size Twix bar. It wasn't good for my health, but given my level of PMS and growing annoyance, it was definitely good for their health.  

Oh well, I'll just have to burn it off tomorrow.  Until then, have a great night!

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