Thursday, October 14, 2010

Day 2 - Pilates

Today I tried Pilates.  It was... an experience.  Given how sore I am, I assume it will be an experience I'll remember intimately for at least 3 to 4 days.  After I regain full body comfort and function, I may repress the memory.

We started with what was apparently the "warm up." It consisted of the V-up move pictured followed by a series of full body crunches in varying degrees of impossibility.  The instructor then informed us that we'd move on to the ab workout...  Um, what?  I thought that's what we were doing?  WRONG!

She had us folding and flexing our bodies in ways I had never imagined were possible.  The ab series was followed by measures of torture designed to terrorize targeted areas of the body.  They worked.

I made a conscious effort to dislike the instructor.  I really wanted to blame her for how much pain I was in, but she was so calm and encouraging.  It's almost like I had to blame myself for being out of shape, or something.  Weird.  

The class lasted about 45 minutes.  A minute longer and I may have needed assistance off the floor.  Surprisingly, however, when I stood up to gather my things, I felt fantastic!  I was taller, stronger and more relaxed.   I'll definitely be coming back.

I'm taking the train to Portland tonight/tomorrow morning to spend some time with my mom and Grandparents.  My running shoes are packed and I look forward to using the nearby high school track. No better way to celebrate a long 4-day weekend than by running in circles!

I'll be working with a dial-up modem this weekend, so we'll see how much blogging actually happens.  If I can't update before then, I hope you have a fantastic weekend!

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