Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 14 - Odd

Today can best be described as odd.  My emotions were all over the spectrum and I think the stress of the end of the semester is literally driving me insane.  In Legal Research and Writing, I started crying because a friend suggested that I should probably take Sales in order to pass the bar exam.  I have no idea what is taught in Sales, but I am sure I don't want to take it.  The thought of having to take anything remotely related to another contracts class moved me to tears.

Shortly after the traumatic Sales conversation, this same friend provided me with one of the best laughs I've had in quite some time. In order to fully understand the glory of her statement, I must give you a little peak into the world of a GU law 2L.  All second year students are researching and writing appellate briefs.  Some students are writing about a pig farm and waste run off in relation to the Clean Water Act.  Other students have been assigned a problem in which an individual was mistakenly told by a blood bank that she had AIDS.  In reference to which problem she prefer working on, my dear friend blurted out "I'd rather have AIDS than a pig farm!"  I just about died.  If we hadn't been in class at the moment, I probably would have started crying again from laughing so hard.  So, friend who shall not be named, I hope you know that you made my day.

It was another Tappa Tappa Tuesday.  To celebrate Halloween, the girls were invited to wear their costumes to class.  I had several princesses, a midnight fairy, Dorthy, a bumble bee and a 70's go-go dancer.  I re-wore last year's costume and went as a ladybug. 

I love my little dancers, but they are exhausting.  When I got home, I was completely grouchy again.  I knew that if I sat down on the couch I wasn't going to get back up, so I dropped off my bags and headed to the gym.  I put in another 3 miles on the treadmill.  Nothing too exciting to report other than seeing an old friend from WSU.  When I returned home, I was in a much better mood.

The day ended gleefully.  Charlie, Jeffery and I fully enjoyed tonight's episode of the Greatest Show on Earth (The Ringling Brothers have nothing on the cast of Glee).  Glee + Rocky Horror Picture Show = an hour of mind-blowing entertainment.  If I could get a re-do, I would totally go back in time and spend a little less time reading and a little more time auditioning for musicals.  With out a doubt, I missed my calling. 

Peace Y'all.  Goodnight. 

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