I had much to be thankful for on this day of Thanksgiving. My family members are in good health, I am loved by a wonderful man, and I have what I need to work towards my goals.
The day started with a fun run in the park. Spokane holds an annual Turkey Trot at Manito Park and I was determined to participate, despite the weather. When I left the house for the run, it was 13 degrees and snowing. I certainly wasn't the only one to brave the elements, quite a few people turned out for the run. By the end of the run, a half inch of snow had accumulated on my car. Brrr....

This was my first solo Thanksgiving cooking attempt, so I was eager to get home and make sure we had everything we needed. Although I think turkey prep is one of the most disgusting chores of the holiday season, I managed to get through it without incident.
Charlie got a nu-wave oven from my mom for his birthday, so we decided to cook the bird in that instead of the regular oven. It turned out to be a fantastic choice! Not only did it free up the oven for all of the side dishes, but the turkey tasted great! The skin got nice and crisp while the inside remained perfectly moist.

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