There were many reasons to be thankful today beyond just the fact that it was Friday. Although I was EXTREMELY tired all morning, I managed to pull off a correct answer in my Evidence class. VICTORY!!! To celebrate and try to boost my energy, I treated myself to 12oz nonfat and no whip salted caramel hot chocolate from Starbucks. I bumped into a group of classmates that I rarely get a chance to chat with and enjoyed spending a few minutes hanging out outside of the law school.
I then returned to the library where, THANKFULLY, I convinced myself to be productive. I've got a 20 page paper due in a few weeks for my Comparative Women's Rights class and it has yet to write itself. Looks like I'm going to have to write it after all. So much for all of that darn star light star bright nonsense! Apparently wishing on a star only works if you've been locked in a tower of a castle by your wicked step mother. Anyway, I got a few hours of research done and am feeling much more confident about where the paper is heading.
This semester I've been working with a group called The Ministry Institute and have had a blast. Catholic Fathers and Sisters from around the world come to Gonzaga to learn English or to obtain an advanced degree. I've met several individuals from China, Kenya, the Philippines and Tanzania. On Fridays, the group usually has some sort of social activity and today it was card making. We spent a few hours making beautiful Christmas cards and socializing. I am always thankful for the time I spend with this group, because they make me forget the stresses of school. Despite some language barriers, we always find a way to make each other laugh.

This picture is of Sister Agatha (Tanzania) and I with our cards. Try explaining the concept of snowmen to someone who has never seen snow... "You do what with the carrot?"
This picture is of Sister Agatha (Tanzania) and I with our cards. Try explaining the concept of snowmen to someone who has never seen snow... "You do what with the carrot?"
I was most thankful today, however, to not have a trial team practice. I enjoy my teammates, but we have seen WAY too much of each other these last few weeks. We've got LONG practices scheduled this weekend where we'll put on a full trial and then evaluate what still needs work. There's only one week left until our competition in San Francisco and having the night off will definitely go a long way in helping me power through the next few days. In it to win it baby!!!
I probably could have taken the night off from physical activity, but then I would've had no excuse to watch the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Making the Team. We don't have cable at home, so I walked the treadmill in our apartment gym for 30 minutes so I could watch one of my guiltiest pleasures. I've got to be at school early tomorrow morning, but I am hoping to get up and do a quick three mile run outside. Forecasts call for snow starting next weekend. I am determined to run outdoors as much as possible until it is no longer safe to do so (or I get too wimpy and don't want to deal with the cold).
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend! Peace.
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