Today, I held my own intervention. I had a bad habit that I had to kick and the time was now or never. SO... I DELETED MY FACEBOOK ACCOUNT!
I spend too much time on Facebook. WAY too much time. It has gotten to the point that I am more interested sitting on my butt reading about other people's lives and looking at pictures from the fun things that they are doing than living my own exciting life. I know more about some of my friends from what I've read online than from talking to them in person or over the phone. That just doesn't seem right. Couple that with the amount of time wasted FBing when I could be studying, and it was easy to see that Facebook had to go.
The timing of this decision was perfect, as I also had a Labor Law midterm today. Although I had studied throughout the weekend, it was imperative that I use my time efficiently today to prepare for the exam. Without the distraction of FB, I was able to stay focused and on task (I ordinarily will read about 3-7 pages and then check FB for 10 minutes and then read some more). GO ME! I am not sure if the decision to be "off" of facebook will last, but I am going to at least go without until the end of the month. At that point I'll reassess the situation.
After the midterm, I didn't want to do anything else besides crash on the couch. So I did for awhile. But between the tv and my lazy body was the new edition of SHAPE magazine. And of course the girl on the front looked Uh-Mazing. So I started to flip through to see what new weight loss tricks the editors wanted me to believe this month.
After reading the entire magazine, it was nearly time for Gossip Girl and I did not want to miss it while at the gym. I turned back a few pages to a workout that promised to tighten and tone. I quickly through on a sports bra and gave it a whirl while I watched the latest shenanigans unfold for those living the privileged life on the Upper East Side. While Chuck, Blair and Serena were scheming, I was sweating. By the time I finished the exercises I was sore from head to toe! Perhaps these fitness magazines occasionally do get it right!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Day 139 - Oscar
With a midterm tomorrow, most of today was spent studying. Although I am typically VERY opposed to studying with other people, I did go meet my friend Corey to review some material at a local bakery. We walked through a couple of problems that were handed out in class and discussed likely subjects to be covered on the exam. I left feeling oddly confident that I had in fact learned something this semester and that with a little more studying I could pass this test. In law school, this is generally a bad sign. If you are at all feeling comfortable and/or confident, you are likely blissfully ignorant of what you really should be studying. So, instead of resting on the fact that I seemed to have the information memorized, I went home and studied some more.
Charlie is also insanely busy right now, so I was on dinner duty. There are only a few things that I can consistently cook well, so I went to one of my tried and true staples... Chicken pesto pasta with sun dried tomatoes.
As I once again had put off exercising, I figured I'd go workout while I watched the Oscar's in the gym at the apartment. Kill two birds with one stone! NOPE! Although I like where we live, the gym equipment maintenance leaves something to be desired. In addition to having a broken side rail and what felt like an uneven running platform, the stupid treadmill wouldn't even turn on! I settled for doing a few squats and returning home to watch the Oscars from the comfort of my couch with my test notes beside me.
Charlie is also insanely busy right now, so I was on dinner duty. There are only a few things that I can consistently cook well, so I went to one of my tried and true staples... Chicken pesto pasta with sun dried tomatoes.
As I once again had put off exercising, I figured I'd go workout while I watched the Oscar's in the gym at the apartment. Kill two birds with one stone! NOPE! Although I like where we live, the gym equipment maintenance leaves something to be desired. In addition to having a broken side rail and what felt like an uneven running platform, the stupid treadmill wouldn't even turn on! I settled for doing a few squats and returning home to watch the Oscars from the comfort of my couch with my test notes beside me.
Day 138 - OCI
I had a FANTASTIC interview today with an organization that I would LOVE to work for. I enjoyed chatting with the interviewers and it felt more like an office chat around the coffee pot than a formal interview. I have my fingers, toes, arms and legs crossed that this job comes through because it feels like it would be a natural fit. PLUS, it may afford Charlie and I the ability to reassess our living situation. More on that at a later date... : )
After the interview, Charlie, Jeffery and I went out to lunch at Red Robin. Why does eating there always sound like such a good idea when you know you are going to have an upset stomach 30 minutes later?!?!?! We never learn. After a few more errands including a trip to the optometrist and Costco (fun times!), we finally made it back home. I successfully talked myself out of going for my 7 mile long run by promising myself that I would do it tomorrow. We shall see...
After the interview, Charlie, Jeffery and I went out to lunch at Red Robin. Why does eating there always sound like such a good idea when you know you are going to have an upset stomach 30 minutes later?!?!?! We never learn. After a few more errands including a trip to the optometrist and Costco (fun times!), we finally made it back home. I successfully talked myself out of going for my 7 mile long run by promising myself that I would do it tomorrow. We shall see...
Day 137 - Sold!
This morning's Street Law lesson went remarkably well considering 2/3 of the class was absent. I now understand the value of having a smaller student to teacher ratio, as students are much more likely to be working if you have time to check in with them every few minutes. We asked them to give closing arguments concerning a fact pattern they developed through questioning witnesses and they did a fabulous job! Way to go Rogers High!
After Street Law, I quickly ducked into the law school to freshen up for an interview. It went... interestingly. I made them laugh a few times and they seemed pretty interested in me for the first portion of the interview. But when they got around to their sheet of questions, they couldn't have come across as more bored if they tried. I even caught the guy looking out the window as I was answering one of his questions. As if that wasn't bad enough, I then had to take a typing test. Sweet. As you can tell from the blog, I have a tendency to be a bit loose with the rules of the English Language. Although I was taught a very formal and journalistic writing style as a PR major in undergrad and have done well in my legal writing courses, I don't enjoy the thought of someone double checking to see if I used the proper "there" or if I ended a sentence with a preposition. I didn't plagiarise my cover letter. What more of a writing sample do they need? Anyway, I highly doubt I am going to be offered the job. It would have been a prestigious place to list on my resume, but I just don't see myself working there.
After the interview, I had a little bit of time to relax before getting ready to go out to the GPILP (Gonzaga Public Interest Law Project?) Auction. It is one of a few formal events at the law school each year, which gave Charlie and I an excuse to get dressed up on a Friday night. The dinner was nice and we won 2 items. We had a great time bidding up the price on a few items during the live auction and enjoying time with friends.
After Street Law, I quickly ducked into the law school to freshen up for an interview. It went... interestingly. I made them laugh a few times and they seemed pretty interested in me for the first portion of the interview. But when they got around to their sheet of questions, they couldn't have come across as more bored if they tried. I even caught the guy looking out the window as I was answering one of his questions. As if that wasn't bad enough, I then had to take a typing test. Sweet. As you can tell from the blog, I have a tendency to be a bit loose with the rules of the English Language. Although I was taught a very formal and journalistic writing style as a PR major in undergrad and have done well in my legal writing courses, I don't enjoy the thought of someone double checking to see if I used the proper "there" or if I ended a sentence with a preposition. I didn't plagiarise my cover letter. What more of a writing sample do they need? Anyway, I highly doubt I am going to be offered the job. It would have been a prestigious place to list on my resume, but I just don't see myself working there.
After the interview, I had a little bit of time to relax before getting ready to go out to the GPILP (Gonzaga Public Interest Law Project?) Auction. It is one of a few formal events at the law school each year, which gave Charlie and I an excuse to get dressed up on a Friday night. The dinner was nice and we won 2 items. We had a great time bidding up the price on a few items during the live auction and enjoying time with friends.
Day 136 - Snow Day
What a wonderful day!!! For only the second time in 50 years, Gonzaga School of Law was closed due to snow. Of course, I was already up and ready to go when the decision was made. But that is besides the point. I WAS STAYING HOME!!!! On the agenda was hot chocolate, a movie and perhaps a nap. Ahhh.... I love snow days.
It turned out that the snow really wasn't that big of a deal and that the roads were fine, so Jeffery came up for dinner. I went for a 3 mile run at the gym and we all had a great day off! I still don't like you, snow, but I'm grateful for today.
In addition to all of that excitement, Tucker also made his TV debut. I got a call from Charlie this morning who told me in an urgent voice that I need to go throw the dog out in the snow, take a picture and send it to the station. I don't know which is worse: Charlie's request or that I agreed. Either way, here is our poor little pooch's photo from his first TV appearance.
It turned out that the snow really wasn't that big of a deal and that the roads were fine, so Jeffery came up for dinner. I went for a 3 mile run at the gym and we all had a great day off! I still don't like you, snow, but I'm grateful for today.
Day 135 - Wanna Be On Top
Americas Next Top model coined a new term for plus sized models. I will now only refer to myself as Fiercly Real.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Day 134 - Stink
My poor professor Milt was ill this morning, so my conflicts of law class was cancelled. I hope he gets better soon, but I'll enjoy the morning off. I got to watch the Today show while I ate my multiple-grain cheerios before heading down to Con Law 2.
So far, this is the most boring blog post to date. I'm sorry to disappoint, but it's not going to get better. Besides FINALLY registering for my marathon (I'm hoping shellingout $70 will work as extra running incentive), there's not much to report.
Because of the holiday on Monday, we followed a different class schedule then what is typical for a Tuesday. That meant needing Maggie to sub for my tots class. I got there for just the last 10 minutes. I started teaching my advanced tappers their recital routine and they seemed to enjoy it (which is good because they'll be working on it until June).
I usually have to run to community property right after dance, so I enjoyed the opportunity to hang out at the studio and catch up with my friend Maggie. I intended to stay and take the zumba class. But then in came the smelly lady with the cotton candy body spray. I am certain it was cotton candy, because I used to wear it in junior high. This woman's daughter is in junior high. She obviously uses the offensive spray to cover up the smell of cigarettes, but she's not fooling anyone. It got so bad that I started to get a head ache. The head ache rapidly progressed into a migraine. I did the first song of zumba before deciding that I had better get home before it got worse. Although I don't get migraines often, I've had enough to know that if you wait too long to grab some meds and a nap, they will quickly spiral from bad to excruciating. I warned you this would be a dull post. Just not in the mood for humor. Peace.
So far, this is the most boring blog post to date. I'm sorry to disappoint, but it's not going to get better. Besides FINALLY registering for my marathon (I'm hoping shellingout $70 will work as extra running incentive), there's not much to report.
Because of the holiday on Monday, we followed a different class schedule then what is typical for a Tuesday. That meant needing Maggie to sub for my tots class. I got there for just the last 10 minutes. I started teaching my advanced tappers their recital routine and they seemed to enjoy it (which is good because they'll be working on it until June).
I usually have to run to community property right after dance, so I enjoyed the opportunity to hang out at the studio and catch up with my friend Maggie. I intended to stay and take the zumba class. But then in came the smelly lady with the cotton candy body spray. I am certain it was cotton candy, because I used to wear it in junior high. This woman's daughter is in junior high. She obviously uses the offensive spray to cover up the smell of cigarettes, but she's not fooling anyone. It got so bad that I started to get a head ache. The head ache rapidly progressed into a migraine. I did the first song of zumba before deciding that I had better get home before it got worse. Although I don't get migraines often, I've had enough to know that if you wait too long to grab some meds and a nap, they will quickly spiral from bad to excruciating. I warned you this would be a dull post. Just not in the mood for humor. Peace.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Day 133 - Tums
What a great morning! Tuck and I met up with the lovely ladies of B106 and baby Sarah for a walk. Kritter, Julie, Shannon and I lived together our junior year at Wazzu. I love how even if it has been months, we can fit right back into our friendship as if no time had gone by. We walked and talked for over an hour before I had to head back to Moo's to pack. Long weekends are great, but they make going back to real life so much harder sometimes.
Charlie, Jeffery, Tucker and I drove back to Spokane and my choice of snacks did not sit well. Apparently cheeze-its and hot chocolate are a recipe for heart burn. I was concerned for a moment that I was experiencing a heart attack it hurt so badly. A few tums later, however, and I was back in business. I drove the entire way as both the boys were clearly in need of naps. I was bummed not to have someone to talk to, but happy to have full control of the radio.
Despite being really good at a lot of things (I am a self proclaimed narcissist), it is a well known and accepted fact that I am NOT a good singer. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't stop me from belting out the hits. But I am painfully aware that it is enjoyable for no one other than yours truly. When I drive, I sing. It's a natural phenomenon similar to gravity, in that it is pointless to try to fight it. THAT is how tired these boys apparently were. They choose to allow me 5 hours of karaoke behind the wheel instead of volunteering to drive. I'm fairly certain neither of them read this blog, but I'll keep you posted on who volunteers to drive the next time we head across the state. Muah ah ah.... (that was an evil laugh for those who are not up to date with online expressions of mischief).
Charlie, Jeffery, Tucker and I drove back to Spokane and my choice of snacks did not sit well. Apparently cheeze-its and hot chocolate are a recipe for heart burn. I was concerned for a moment that I was experiencing a heart attack it hurt so badly. A few tums later, however, and I was back in business. I drove the entire way as both the boys were clearly in need of naps. I was bummed not to have someone to talk to, but happy to have full control of the radio.
Despite being really good at a lot of things (I am a self proclaimed narcissist), it is a well known and accepted fact that I am NOT a good singer. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't stop me from belting out the hits. But I am painfully aware that it is enjoyable for no one other than yours truly. When I drive, I sing. It's a natural phenomenon similar to gravity, in that it is pointless to try to fight it. THAT is how tired these boys apparently were. They choose to allow me 5 hours of karaoke behind the wheel instead of volunteering to drive. I'm fairly certain neither of them read this blog, but I'll keep you posted on who volunteers to drive the next time we head across the state. Muah ah ah.... (that was an evil laugh for those who are not up to date with online expressions of mischief).
Day 132 - Church Juice
Determined to get my long run in this weekend, I was up and on the road early this morning. HOLY COLD! The temp was maybe in the high 20's low 30's and I sure felt it in my muscles as they struggled to warm up. I did enjoy, however, that the sun was beaming and there were hardly any cars out this morning. My usual route in Spokane runs along roads with fairly heavy traffic and I hate feeling like I am constantly breathing exhaust.
After a quick shower, I was off to church with Moo. She had volunteered to bring and set up coffee fellowship and I was happy to help. Over the years, my brother and I lovingly began to refer the kool-aid provided for the kiddos as "Church Juice." Why not just call it Kool-aid or plain juice? Because it wasn't really either. The liquid is either grossly lacking or far too heavy on sugar. Well, today I got to make the church juice. Chad will likely be disappointed that I didn't intentionally mess up the ratio, but I am happy to report that the end product most definitely was the closest to juice that I've ever had at church.
Moving on... The rest of the day was spent studying and at a graduation party for a friend who just finished her stint as a student teacher. It's a good thing I went for a run, because I devoured a delicious chocolate cupcake topped with a square of dark chocolate. Mmmm... Heavenly.
After a quick shower, I was off to church with Moo. She had volunteered to bring and set up coffee fellowship and I was happy to help. Over the years, my brother and I lovingly began to refer the kool-aid provided for the kiddos as "Church Juice." Why not just call it Kool-aid or plain juice? Because it wasn't really either. The liquid is either grossly lacking or far too heavy on sugar. Well, today I got to make the church juice. Chad will likely be disappointed that I didn't intentionally mess up the ratio, but I am happy to report that the end product most definitely was the closest to juice that I've ever had at church.
Moving on... The rest of the day was spent studying and at a graduation party for a friend who just finished her stint as a student teacher. It's a good thing I went for a run, because I devoured a delicious chocolate cupcake topped with a square of dark chocolate. Mmmm... Heavenly.
Day 131 - Smelly Dog
This day was mostly all about Tuck dog. I took the little man for a long walk before several good hours of studying. Then Moo, Tuck and I headed to the dog park. Tuck and I both did a lot of running and retrieving of a ball. I also did some throwing and Tuck did some barking. The weather was cold, but otherwise gorgeous and the other dogs were well behaved. Perfect day at the dog park. Wanting to enjoy a little more fresh air, we all decided to go for a walk around the park before returning home. Tucker got to do one of his most favorite things... Duck chasing. Such a happy pup.
That is until he got to go to the dog wash. I thought this place was ingenious. Tucker, I assume, had a very different impression. For $10, you can bath your dog in a deep tub like structure. A variety of shampoos, conditioners and brushes are provided. Tuck, being little, got to stand on a special little dog platform. After he was thoroughly cleaned, we moved over to the grooming station equipped with instruments of torture terrifying enough to make any dog whimper. Tucker got blow dried and brushed. I trimmed his hair and cut his nails. By the end, he was one handsome pooch!
After a bit more studying and a quick nap, Moo and I met Chris for dinner at the Ram (one of my favorite restaurants). Then we did some major speed shopping (store closed in 15 minutes) to find Moo a cute new outfit for an upcoming special occasion. My mother taught me to be a bargain shopper, so we were both thrilled when we learned her three purchases totaled $54, but that she had saved $83. Ladies and gentlemen, THAT is how you shop.
That is until he got to go to the dog wash. I thought this place was ingenious. Tucker, I assume, had a very different impression. For $10, you can bath your dog in a deep tub like structure. A variety of shampoos, conditioners and brushes are provided. Tuck, being little, got to stand on a special little dog platform. After he was thoroughly cleaned, we moved over to the grooming station equipped with instruments of torture terrifying enough to make any dog whimper. Tucker got blow dried and brushed. I trimmed his hair and cut his nails. By the end, he was one handsome pooch!
After a bit more studying and a quick nap, Moo and I met Chris for dinner at the Ram (one of my favorite restaurants). Then we did some major speed shopping (store closed in 15 minutes) to find Moo a cute new outfit for an upcoming special occasion. My mother taught me to be a bargain shopper, so we were both thrilled when we learned her three purchases totaled $54, but that she had saved $83. Ladies and gentlemen, THAT is how you shop.
Day 130 - Lonely
After dropping Charlie off at the airport at 6 this morning, it only took me about 3 hours to realize that I did not want to stay home alone this long weekend. Charlie's bro Jefferey was planning to drive one of our cars home this weekend, so I decided to go with him. I quickly got the house cleaned (I hate coming home to a messy house), got the cat set up to survive without us and packed the essentials for Tucker and I.
I always enjoy the time I get to spend with Jefferey. He is a really bright kid and has a lot to add to conversation. Just the type of car buddy I like! Whether it be religion, politics or life in general, we always have some great chats.
Once I got to Moo's house, I took to setting up her finest infomercial purchase to date: the Total Gym. Two and a half years ago, Charlie and I threw Moo a surprise party and stuck the folded Total Gym in the corner of the living room... You'll never guess where I found it?! Yup, in the corner of the living room. I had to watch the instructional dvd to figure out how to put the darn thing together, but it turns out the Total Gym is a fantastic workout. Poor Tucker seems to be terrified of the machine and I probably shouldn't have goofed around on it (back is starting to hurt), but other than that it seems to be a great investment.
Moo wanted to watch He's Just Not That Into. I warned her that I would be asleep before the plot line got started, but she insisted. Sure enough, we were both out long before the halfway point. I am so glad I decided to come home. It is much more fun to fall asleep during a movie with your Moo than it is alone.
I always enjoy the time I get to spend with Jefferey. He is a really bright kid and has a lot to add to conversation. Just the type of car buddy I like! Whether it be religion, politics or life in general, we always have some great chats.
Once I got to Moo's house, I took to setting up her finest infomercial purchase to date: the Total Gym. Two and a half years ago, Charlie and I threw Moo a surprise party and stuck the folded Total Gym in the corner of the living room... You'll never guess where I found it?! Yup, in the corner of the living room. I had to watch the instructional dvd to figure out how to put the darn thing together, but it turns out the Total Gym is a fantastic workout. Poor Tucker seems to be terrified of the machine and I probably shouldn't have goofed around on it (back is starting to hurt), but other than that it seems to be a great investment.
Moo wanted to watch He's Just Not That Into. I warned her that I would be asleep before the plot line got started, but she insisted. Sure enough, we were both out long before the halfway point. I am so glad I decided to come home. It is much more fun to fall asleep during a movie with your Moo than it is alone.
Day 129 - Step it up

In addition to class, I had a two important tasks to accomplish today. The first was VERY sad/ heart breaking/ disappointing/ etc. I went to the DMV and replaced my California drivers license with one from WA. It's not that living in WA is a total tragedy. Charlie and I are happy to be closer to family and friends. But it feels like palm trees and jogs on the beach are becoming nothing more than a distant memory of a better time. Time to start thinking of WA as my permanent home and planning mini-vacas to the Golden State.
The second task was to judge the 1L oral advocacy competition. Although it required yet another late night spent at the law school, I really enjoyed the experience. The 1Ls came really prepared and presented strong arguments. I hope some of the feedback I was able to provide will prove to be as valuable as the constructive criticism I received my first year as a competitor.
Charlie heads to Seattle for a conference in the morning, so I've got a bit to do to get him ready to go. Off to it!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Day 127 - Running Flaps
I FINALLY am feeling back to normal. Thank goodness, because my tots tap and jazz class would have been worse than medieval torture with any lingering sign of a hangover. I love my little darlings, but they are a weekly test of my patience. A test I have yet to fail, but some weeks it is almost too close to call. There is just something about a 4 year old who, when she isn't trying to climb on you, feels the need to constantly try to remove her leotard to make you wonder about your life choices. Dancing brings me joy and I am happy to spread that joy to my students. In return, I'm pretty sure they give me cooties.
On the other hand, my advanced tappers were 100% on tonight. I really do love those girls. Their ridiculous pre-teen antics can be overly dramatic at times, but for the most part they are a pleasure to teach.
After my dance classes were done and 2 hours in community property, I was ready to call it a night. I swear, I really will return to the gym one of these days.
On the other hand, my advanced tappers were 100% on tonight. I really do love those girls. Their ridiculous pre-teen antics can be overly dramatic at times, but for the most part they are a pleasure to teach.
After my dance classes were done and 2 hours in community property, I was ready to call it a night. I swear, I really will return to the gym one of these days.
Day 126 - Lingering Pain
Happy Valentines Day! Today I felt much better than yesterday, but still not great. I struggled to get through class and avoided many-a-awkward stares from people wondering where they knew me from. I was sooooo not in the mood to explain that I was the one in the blue glitter bra.
Being valentines and all, I figured I should do something nice for the hubs while I watched Gossip Girl. I prepared a v-day feast of lasagna, french bread, salad and brownies. It certainly wasn't a romantic valentines day that will go down in the history books of love, but it got the job done.
Being valentines and all, I figured I should do something nice for the hubs while I watched Gossip Girl. I prepared a v-day feast of lasagna, french bread, salad and brownies. It certainly wasn't a romantic valentines day that will go down in the history books of love, but it got the job done.
Day 125 - Regret
Moo and crew left today. Although I was sad to see them go, it was probably for the best. I wasn't exactly a quality hostess this morning. I had an "eventful" night and required a lot of sleep, quiet and ibuprofen. If I had to guess, I'd say I spent no more than a total of 90 minutes out of bed. It is abundantly clear why I choose not to drink. I don't know how people can live like this weekend after weekend. I used to be embarrassed that Charlie and I chose to spend our Saturday nights curled up on the couch instead of out at a bar partying with the rest of our age group. But now? Bring on the Netflix!
Day 124 - Everybody Line Up!
Moo and Crew - The fan club. |
With some of my cute baby 1L dancers |
Then, it was time to start prepping for the show. Five women and one bathroom is not a great ratio, but we made it work. I had to be at the bar a few hours before the show, so they went out to dinner and dropped me off.
The show was done and over before I knew it. We seemed to get a great reaction from the crowd and there were no "wardrobe malfunctions" (see glitter bras). I am so thankful to all the dancers who put in so much hard work and to Page, Shaun and Megaen who logistically pulled it all together. I am semi-sad that I won't be around to do Objection again next year, but I feel like I went out with a bang.
Haley and I before the madness |
Speaking of bangs, post show I over indulged to the point of knocking my delicate noggin on a rather hard surface. I very rarely drink, so it is safe to say that even a little alcohol would have been enough to get me tipsy. A few drinks more and I was simply a delight. Thank god my husband loves me, because it was a LONG night. I never want to see a cranberry vodka again!!! I am more than happy to return to my tea-totaling ways. You hear that booze?! We are through!
Day 123 - Dress Rehearsal
Today = crazy. It started with a haircut, during which the stylist decided to take out her frustrations over her divorce on my scalp (her ex is a lawyer who studied at GU... fantastic). Then I had to jet to a quick practice for the big spender routine followed by some last minute speed cleaning. We held a full dress rehearsal at the bar which lasted far too long, but we left feeling confident that the show would be a success. When I got home, Moo and Crew were there with pizza! After a lot of girl-talk, we called it a night.
Day 122 - Wasted Time
What a long, long, LONG day. With class at 8 AM, I was up around 5 to study. I spent over 12 ridiculous hours at school. I have a very strict "don't stay at school a second longer than absolutely necessary" policy. Therefore, this day flew in the face of my moral code. After class, I held an open objection practice for any girls who wanted a chance to practice their routines. We had a Moot Court Honors Council Meeting at 8PM, so I was ready and willing to dance for a few hours.
A few girls stopped by during that time. They all had their dances down, so I think they were there more to calm their nerves. I forget sometimes that not everyone has grown up on the stage and that the fear of performing may causes butterflies to swarm in their cute little tummies. I'm pretty sure the last time I got nervous to go on stage was in the mid 1990s. Blood, needles and large dogs loose while I am on a long run are what make me knees shake. I'd take lights and an audience over a large Labrador any day!
Any way... too much time spent at school = not cool. Moo and friends come out tomorrow so I had a ton of housework to do when I got home. So glad they're coming out!
A few girls stopped by during that time. They all had their dances down, so I think they were there more to calm their nerves. I forget sometimes that not everyone has grown up on the stage and that the fear of performing may causes butterflies to swarm in their cute little tummies. I'm pretty sure the last time I got nervous to go on stage was in the mid 1990s. Blood, needles and large dogs loose while I am on a long run are what make me knees shake. I'd take lights and an audience over a large Labrador any day!
Any way... too much time spent at school = not cool. Moo and friends come out tomorrow so I had a ton of housework to do when I got home. So glad they're coming out!
Day 121 - Downward Dog
The madness leading up to objection has nearly reached the danger zone. What is the danger zone? I'm glad you asked. The danger zone is the point at which I have become so wrapped up in a project that I can't see straight and the only way to procure a smile from me is to feed me chocolate. Seeing as I am days away from prancing around in booty shorts, chocolate was out of the question. Soooo... I went to Piyo instead.
I haven't been to yoga or piyo in the last week and man did it ever hurt so good! I was able to fully relax and enjoy a moment of calm while getting in a tough workout at the same time. Odd, but true. Having achieved a peaceful zen, I left piyo a long distance away from the danger zone.
I haven't been to yoga or piyo in the last week and man did it ever hurt so good! I was able to fully relax and enjoy a moment of calm while getting in a tough workout at the same time. Odd, but true. Having achieved a peaceful zen, I left piyo a long distance away from the danger zone.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Day 120 - Ethics
I am a bad person. I'd like to think that I am generally concerned about those around me and am out to protect their best interests, but apparently that's not the case. Tonight in my community property class, I couldn't help but use the law we were learning to come up with a series of ways a person could screw their spouse out of a lot of money in a divorce.
Fortunately for Charlie, a divorce is SOOOOO not an option. BUT, it is scary what you can do with a little legal knowledge. As I continue to learn to "think like a lawyer," I am finding that most lawyer jokes are not only spot on, but also deserved. We have the capacity to do a lot of good for clients, but on far too many occasions the power is abused.
Today included a little of everything. Law school class, dance class, homework, gym time, tv time, excessive snack time and then bed. Excluding the fast and furious consumption of chips and cheese dip, this was a good day. I put in 45 minutes on the rotating stair machine, so maybe we can call it a draw? Good night!
Fortunately for Charlie, a divorce is SOOOOO not an option. BUT, it is scary what you can do with a little legal knowledge. As I continue to learn to "think like a lawyer," I am finding that most lawyer jokes are not only spot on, but also deserved. We have the capacity to do a lot of good for clients, but on far too many occasions the power is abused.
Today included a little of everything. Law school class, dance class, homework, gym time, tv time, excessive snack time and then bed. Excluding the fast and furious consumption of chips and cheese dip, this was a good day. I put in 45 minutes on the rotating stair machine, so maybe we can call it a draw? Good night!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Day 119 - What plan?
Yet another unplanned long night spent at Dempsey's. 5 days to show time. 6 days until rest.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Day 118 - Average Bowl
Was today's bowl Super? I think not. I could have cared less about the outcome.
In preparation for the several hours spent on the couch in a coma like trance, Charlie and I had a number of errands to run. The upside to our jaunts across town is that it afforded me plenty of opportunity to move (as I once again did not go to the gym). We are notorious for buying WAY more at Costco than what we have on our shopping list, so this time we figured we'd be smart and skip the cart. Yay for more exercise! Instead of buying less, we just got to carry more! At least they were all legitimate purchases and not the red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting that Charlie so desperately had his heart set on.
I enjoyed that the game was close, but for the most part was uninterested. By the end of football season, I can hardly tolerate the inane yammering of football announcers. "If they're going to win, they're going to have to put some more points on the board." Well no shit. I can tolerate the friendly banter in the Fall, but come February I am ready to shove a sock in Michael Strahan's mouth.
I enjoyed the new Glee episode SIGNIFICANTLY more than the game, half time show or any of the commercials. While the plot lines are wildly outrageous, I love the anti-bullying messages and FABULOUS music numbers. Other than chocolate, Glee is about the only thing that is guaranteed to make me smile.
In preparation for the several hours spent on the couch in a coma like trance, Charlie and I had a number of errands to run. The upside to our jaunts across town is that it afforded me plenty of opportunity to move (as I once again did not go to the gym). We are notorious for buying WAY more at Costco than what we have on our shopping list, so this time we figured we'd be smart and skip the cart. Yay for more exercise! Instead of buying less, we just got to carry more! At least they were all legitimate purchases and not the red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting that Charlie so desperately had his heart set on.
I enjoyed that the game was close, but for the most part was uninterested. By the end of football season, I can hardly tolerate the inane yammering of football announcers. "If they're going to win, they're going to have to put some more points on the board." Well no shit. I can tolerate the friendly banter in the Fall, but come February I am ready to shove a sock in Michael Strahan's mouth.
I enjoyed the new Glee episode SIGNIFICANTLY more than the game, half time show or any of the commercials. While the plot lines are wildly outrageous, I love the anti-bullying messages and FABULOUS music numbers. Other than chocolate, Glee is about the only thing that is guaranteed to make me smile.
Day 117 - Take it Off
I finally had a truly productive day. I got out of bed and went straight to work on the mountain of dishes in the kitchen. Then I set out for a quick 3 mile run. It is now actually winter, but I can comfortably run outside. Back at Thanksgiving, I would have needed crampons and a snow pick to get home safely. I've probably jinxed myself into several weeks worth of snow, but at least I enjoyed some fresh air today.
I only had a few minutes to shower, change and get down town for another objection practice. No hair or make up... I looked HOT! Or like a hot mess... Probably the hot mess. Regardless, the two numbers that rehearsed today are looking fantastic. They're both wildly inappropriate, but that's what objection is all about. There's a lot of touching, grinding, and shaking. After paying for 13 years of dance lessons, my mother must be so proud.
After another quick shower, Charlie and I were off to meet our friends Maggie and Brian for dinner at the OG. We don't get to see them that often, so it is always nice when we get to sit down and catch up. After a week's worth of carbs, fat and garlic, we headed home. Not a bad Saturday!
I only had a few minutes to shower, change and get down town for another objection practice. No hair or make up... I looked HOT! Or like a hot mess... Probably the hot mess. Regardless, the two numbers that rehearsed today are looking fantastic. They're both wildly inappropriate, but that's what objection is all about. There's a lot of touching, grinding, and shaking. After paying for 13 years of dance lessons, my mother must be so proud.
After another quick shower, Charlie and I were off to meet our friends Maggie and Brian for dinner at the OG. We don't get to see them that often, so it is always nice when we get to sit down and catch up. After a week's worth of carbs, fat and garlic, we headed home. Not a bad Saturday!
Day 116 - Tension
The day started with a hang over and ended with a tension headache. The perpetrators? White wine and the Black Swan.
I was supposed to fill in and teach a Zumba class, so my day pretty much revolved around that scheduled activity. I arrived a little early to record some of the routines for Objection and waited for the class to arrive. Only one girl showed up and she was in far better shape than me, so we decided to cancel class. A private Zumba class would be nothing but awkward!
Having some unexpected free time, Charlie and I zipped over to the Valley Mall to retrieve my ring. I have been without it for 6 weeks and had forgotten how much I loved the sparkles. I'm not a terribly materialistic person, but if it sparkles, it's mine.
I've been trying to get someone to see the Black Swan with me for weeks and tonight Charlie finally relented. I loved the movie, but it is so hard to accurately describe. In a way, it's kind of like a beautiful nightmare. One thing's for sure, however, it had my full attention the entire time. I walked out of the theater begging Charlie to rub my shoulders to release the stress I had acquired while watching the film. After punching my back several times and declaring that my shoulders felt like cement, he gave up. It's time again to give a shout out to the Backnobber. God bless that invention.
I was supposed to fill in and teach a Zumba class, so my day pretty much revolved around that scheduled activity. I arrived a little early to record some of the routines for Objection and waited for the class to arrive. Only one girl showed up and she was in far better shape than me, so we decided to cancel class. A private Zumba class would be nothing but awkward!
Having some unexpected free time, Charlie and I zipped over to the Valley Mall to retrieve my ring. I have been without it for 6 weeks and had forgotten how much I loved the sparkles. I'm not a terribly materialistic person, but if it sparkles, it's mine.
I've been trying to get someone to see the Black Swan with me for weeks and tonight Charlie finally relented. I loved the movie, but it is so hard to accurately describe. In a way, it's kind of like a beautiful nightmare. One thing's for sure, however, it had my full attention the entire time. I walked out of the theater begging Charlie to rub my shoulders to release the stress I had acquired while watching the film. After punching my back several times and declaring that my shoulders felt like cement, he gave up. It's time again to give a shout out to the Backnobber. God bless that invention.
Day 115 - 3's the limit
Today was nothing more than a series of poor choices. With the exception of going to class, I did little else that was productive despite there being plenty of school and house work needing to get done. I planned to run in the evening, but forgot that my professor had invited the class to a local bar for drinks on him. Run by myself at the gym... or drink for free with some friends??? Yeah, that was a tough choice. THANKS MILT!!!
It was a fun night out with my Conflicts of Law class. After three glasses of wine on a nearly empty stomach, I was pretty close to drunk. So glad that Charlie came with me so I didn't have to worry about driving.
For those paying attention, however, this was yet another day with no exercise. I can try to blame it on the weather (seasonal depression is real and it SUCKS), but at the end of the day, I have to be the one to suck it up and hit the gym. I am trying not to wallow in my frustration over not having the will power to exercise as it seems to only make it worse. I've got some major goals that I am determined to accomplish and there's no way I will get there if I succumb to a cyclical self-defeating depression.
It was a fun night out with my Conflicts of Law class. After three glasses of wine on a nearly empty stomach, I was pretty close to drunk. So glad that Charlie came with me so I didn't have to worry about driving.
For those paying attention, however, this was yet another day with no exercise. I can try to blame it on the weather (seasonal depression is real and it SUCKS), but at the end of the day, I have to be the one to suck it up and hit the gym. I am trying not to wallow in my frustration over not having the will power to exercise as it seems to only make it worse. I've got some major goals that I am determined to accomplish and there's no way I will get there if I succumb to a cyclical self-defeating depression.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Day 114 - Glitter Bras
What? You didn't spend an hour rubbing a glue stick on a bra and then dousing it in glitter? Weird... Well that's how my odd day concluded. Unfortunately it didn't start out nearly as nice or colorful.
I woke up this morning with a migraine. I only get a bad migraine once every couple months or so and I usually can get rid of them with the help of Excedrin and sleep. I knew I was going to be in a world of hurt when sleep was clearly not going to be the answer to getting this beast of a headache to go away. I felt comfortable skipping my first two classes as they meet three times a week, but I had to attend the second two. For the rest of the day, my body felt off. I was dizzy and exhausted. It's been a long while since I had the flu, but that's how I felt most of the day.
I knew I wasn't going to exercise when I got home, but I was determined to at least accomplish something. So I went tanning, put gas in my car and got to work on some costume pieces for objection. Did I mention that I will be wearing the blue one? Yep! Me and all my glory will be on display, wiggling and jiggling in front of a crowd of my peers, professors, my mother and some family friends. If you haven't already rushed out to buy your tickets, I bet you will now! That, or you may have thrown up a little in your mouth. If it's the latter, I don't blame you. I'm not exactly in "shimmy" shape these days. But you should still buy a ticket. It's for a good cause.
This day needs to be over, so... Good night.
I woke up this morning with a migraine. I only get a bad migraine once every couple months or so and I usually can get rid of them with the help of Excedrin and sleep. I knew I was going to be in a world of hurt when sleep was clearly not going to be the answer to getting this beast of a headache to go away. I felt comfortable skipping my first two classes as they meet three times a week, but I had to attend the second two. For the rest of the day, my body felt off. I was dizzy and exhausted. It's been a long while since I had the flu, but that's how I felt most of the day.
I knew I wasn't going to exercise when I got home, but I was determined to at least accomplish something. So I went tanning, put gas in my car and got to work on some costume pieces for objection. Did I mention that I will be wearing the blue one? Yep! Me and all my glory will be on display, wiggling and jiggling in front of a crowd of my peers, professors, my mother and some family friends. If you haven't already rushed out to buy your tickets, I bet you will now! That, or you may have thrown up a little in your mouth. If it's the latter, I don't blame you. I'm not exactly in "shimmy" shape these days. But you should still buy a ticket. It's for a good cause.
This day needs to be over, so... Good night.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Day 113 - Yawn
I've had a serious love affair with my snooze button lately. I've been getting up 30-45 minutes after my first alarm goes off. Not today, however! I got my booty out of bed and off to the gym before I could decide that I didn't really want to go.
After all the dancing I've done over the last few days, my leg muscles are pretty much shot. BUT, I had yet to do my 5 mile long run from this weekend. Well, I did 5 miles, but I'd be lying if I said I ran 5 miles. To balance the need to walk, I ran sprints. I used to love waking up and running in the morning a few years ago. Then again, I used to wake up and jog on the beautiful beaches of San Diego. There was nothing beautiful about the inside of my gym or the people around me. I assume they too rolled out of bed, brushed their teeth and tied up their running shoes without looking in a mirror. Not a pretty sight.
I thoroughly enjoyed my Constitutional Law class this morning. I find civil rights FAR more interesting than Federal procedure. I was alert and engaged through the entire 50 min. The rest of the day??? Not so much. I lost a lot of time and struggled to remain productive as my energy levels plummeted. By the end of my dance classes, I felt downright depleted. I was completely exhausted and still had two hours of Community Property to get through before I could call it a day. Half way through the class, I started to feel nauseous. Suffice it to say, I poured myself into bed the second I got home and didn't get back up.
After all the dancing I've done over the last few days, my leg muscles are pretty much shot. BUT, I had yet to do my 5 mile long run from this weekend. Well, I did 5 miles, but I'd be lying if I said I ran 5 miles. To balance the need to walk, I ran sprints. I used to love waking up and running in the morning a few years ago. Then again, I used to wake up and jog on the beautiful beaches of San Diego. There was nothing beautiful about the inside of my gym or the people around me. I assume they too rolled out of bed, brushed their teeth and tied up their running shoes without looking in a mirror. Not a pretty sight.
I thoroughly enjoyed my Constitutional Law class this morning. I find civil rights FAR more interesting than Federal procedure. I was alert and engaged through the entire 50 min. The rest of the day??? Not so much. I lost a lot of time and struggled to remain productive as my energy levels plummeted. By the end of my dance classes, I felt downright depleted. I was completely exhausted and still had two hours of Community Property to get through before I could call it a day. Half way through the class, I started to feel nauseous. Suffice it to say, I poured myself into bed the second I got home and didn't get back up.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Day 112 - Beach Balls
An unexpected objection practice threw a wrench in my plans for the day. I had really hoped to head to yoga after class (I am in desperate need of zen), but that didn't get to happen. Instead, I got to edit music and make up some choreography on the fly. That said, I am really happy with how this new routine is going to turn out. Otherwise, this was just another manic Monday.
Day 111 - Go Cougs!!!
Today started with a marathon 6 hour objection practice at Dempsey's. I taught all of my choreography and was really impressed with how quickly the girls picked it up. I then got to learn a routine choreographed by Tonya that involves some chair work. The dance is great, but there will be bruises.
Charlie picked me up from practice and whisked me off on a fabulous date. We went down to Pullman to watch the Cougars slaughter the Huskies. We enjoyed dinner at one of our favorite bars (much love to My Office) and then headed over to the stadium.
What a game! I don't particularly enjoy basketball, but the Cougs put on an amazing show despite some awful refereeing. Here are a few pics from Pullman.
Charlie picked me up from practice and whisked me off on a fabulous date. We went down to Pullman to watch the Cougars slaughter the Huskies. We enjoyed dinner at one of our favorite bars (much love to My Office) and then headed over to the stadium.
What a game! I don't particularly enjoy basketball, but the Cougs put on an amazing show despite some awful refereeing. Here are a few pics from Pullman.
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