Day 150 - So Nice They Named It Twice

Day 151 - Car Sick
I didn't get physically sick, but Tuck and I are sure tired of being in the car. We drove 5 hours yesterday and another 3 today. Charlie has finals this coming week and I have Linden cup, so we had a "prep day." In other words, we got the house cleaned, took a long nap and took Tucker for an even longer walk so we can focus on nothing but school for the next few days. I put in a few solid hours on my linden cup arguments, but quickly realized how much more I'll need to do in order to not let my partner down tomorrow when we meet.
Day 152 - Whoops...
Looks like I should have put in more time on Linden Cup over Spring Break. After doing nothing else all day, I'm still not sure I'll be prepared to give a sound argument tomorrow. Fortunately my partner and I are in the same boat concerning our opinion of losing right away. If we don't make it through the first rounds, we don't have to keep putting in this ridiculous amount of work... Sounds like a win-win to me!
Day 153 - Let's Get Ready To Rumble
After a long day of class, tonight was the first round of Linden Cup. Cherlyn and I won, but have no time to celebrate. Tomorrow night we switch sides of the argument and I have NO idea what my arguments will be... The night might be over, but the work is far from done. Time to burn the midnight oil!
Day 154 - Tappa Tappa Tuesday
Class, dance classes and another round of Linden Cup. We won so we'll be doing it all over again next Monday. Yet again, no exercise to report. BUT, tonight's GLEE was one of the best episodes yet! They did original songs, which I have promptly downloaded. I LOVE GLEE!
Day 155 - Hello Biceps!
I finally made it to the gym today for PiYo. After a long day of class and having an LRW (legal research and writing) assignment due, I was in desperate need of both exercise and zen. PiYo gives me the perfect combo of both. After not going to PiYo or Yoga for 2 weeks, I certainly felt the pain. The class instructor (who couldn't be cuter if she tried) corrected my body alignment in one of the plank-like positions. Apparently I had been making it harder than it needed to be and had been putting too much weight into my arms when I should have been using more of my core. Unfortunately, she didn't tell me until class was over. I am not sure I'll be able to lift my arms to lap-top height to take notes in class tomorrow. OUCH!!!
Day 156 - Basketball
Although I hate college basketball, I LOVE the first few rounds of March Madness. Why only the first few rounds? Because my bracket is usually blown by the elite 8 and I no longer care who wins. This year I've picked San Diego State to win it all. I rushed home from employment law to watch them defeat Northern Colorado. Once my butt was planted on the couch, I was pretty much stuck there for the rest of the night.
Day 157 - Struggle
This morning started out with Street law. The kids were great and the lessons went as planned. As an added bonus, we played the kids the hit song from YouTube sensation Rebecca Black. If you haven't heard her song "Friday" you are in for a treat. It may just be the worst song in the history of the universe. Enjoy.
I was supposed to attend a Con Law make up class after street law, but I got a call from Charlie that Tucker needed to go to the vet. He had been throwing up and having stomach trouble so I ran home, picked up the pooch and took him to the vet. Tucker was well behaved, but visibly distraught. He kept looking at me like "If you really loved me we would leave!" The vet put him on a bland diet (cottage cheese and rice) and told us to watch him for the next few days. In the evening, I met with some of Maggie's Spokane Shock dancers who are interested in trying out for Sea Gals. It was fun reviewing the "Do"s and "Don't"s of auditions. After that, I made a quick trip to the gym to put in 45 minutes on the stair machine.
Day 158 - Spring Cleaning
Although we did a solid "pick up" effort last week, our house was certainly no where near clean. It's not quite Spring yet, but today we got a jump on our Spring Cleaning. It took ALL day. Floors, windows, bathroom, kitchen, cupboards, refrigerator, load after load of laundry... It all got done. A clean house makes such a difference to my stress levels. I am much more relaxed knowing that I can see my reflection in my bathtub. To celebrate our hard work, we took Jeffrey out for Mexican. Not a bad day!
Day 159 - 8 miles too far
I was due for another long run, so today I did 9.3 miles. It was only about 8 miles too far in my opinion, but I got it done. To give you an idea of the area I covered, know that I passed FOUR different grocery stores on my route. It started to sprinkle during the last 3 minutes of my run. Almost immediately after I stepped in the door it turned into a full down poor. Thanks Running Gods for looking out for me on that one.
I had 3 meetings this afternoon, so I had to quickly shower post run and get back out the door. The first was to review an assignment, the second was a board meeting of the Womens Law Caucus and the third was a dance studio instructor meeting. I hobbled and limped to each and was thrilled to be able to put up my tired feet by the end of the night. There's another round of Linden Cup tomorrow... Yay.
Day 160 - Nerves
Charlie came to observe my Linden Cup round tonight and he totally threw me off my game. I wanted him to come see that our time, money and stress devoted to law school was a worthwhile investment. Instead, he saw his wife stumble and bumble over words. I wouldn't say my performance was tragic, but it certainly wasn't my best. Our win tonight was purely thanks to Cherlyn. On to the Elite Eight!
Day 161 - Teenagers
I could NOT sleep last night. I woke up around 2:45 and could not get back to sleep after that. I wound up watching a movie on my phone hoping that I would conk out like I usually do during movies. No such luck. I can now proudly say, however, that I've seen the Disney Channel classic Camp Rock 2.
My severe lack of sleep and additional stress due to Linden Cup made me EXTREMELY cranky. It took all my strength to not swear and walk out on my advanced tap class. They really are great girls, but all of their emotional teenage nonsense was on level 9 (of 10) and I just did not have the energy. I got through the class, but only barely. After dance, I still had a two hour Community Property class to attend. Thankfully, I find this area extremely interesting. Otherwise, I would have fallen asleep at my desk. Today's only exercise came in the form of teaching dance and the extra effort it took to keep my head up and eyes open.
Day 162 - Same old...
Yet another round of Linden Cup. That meant a LONG day of classes and a long night of oral arguments. We went up against a great team last night, so it was even more of an honor to win.